Mais música, mais Major Tom. Depois do estrondoso sucesso de Space Oddity no blog, Major Tom volta, mas não na voz de David Bowie: Peter Schilling revê o personagem de forma literal nos anos 80, para revolta de muitos fãs de Bowie, contando a história de um acidente espacial.
"Second stage is cut.
We're now in orbit.
Stabilizers up,
runnning perfect.
Starting to collect
requested data.
'What will it affect
when all is done?'
thinks Major Tom.
Back at ground control,
there is a problem.
'Go to rockets full.'
Not responding.
'Hello Major Tom.
Are you receiving?
Turn the thrusters on.
We're standing by.'
There's no reply.
4, 3, 2, 1
Earth below us
drifting, falling.
Floating weightless
calling, calling home..."
"Hazard - 1. A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans of reputation. (...) 2. If you hazard or if you hazard a guess, you make a suggestion about something which is only a guess and which you might be wrong." - Do Dicionário "Collins Cobuild"