This is a small post to show a picture from tonight’s dinner with my new mates from Duke. I promised them I would write in English. So, all the mocking will be on future posts in Portuguese (just joking, guys!!!). From the left to the right: Justin (the one with the meeting’s idea), Jeremy, Nunik, Hector, Emily, Christoph, Bonnie and me. Justin's girlfriend took the picture (sorry, Justin, but I forgot her name!!!).

See you!!!
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ResponderExcluirpor que o comentário que eu postei antes deste não apareceu, um em inglês? Vc. censurou ou fui eu, de novo, quem cliquei em "visualizar" ao invés de "publicar"?
ResponderExcluirbom, se foi censura, azar o seu! Aqui vai de novo (não exatamente, porque eu não guardei cópia! rs)
"hi, love! good to see you glad in the pic... it made me wish to fly to you tomorrow. Maybe 'cos the place seems to be too nice ? ;-)
love you!"