julho 03, 2009

Mais Sobre a Vitória do Bom Senso

O NYT de hoje traz uma matéria muito interessante e reveladora sobre a decisão da Suprema Corte a respeito da promoção dos bombeiros de New Haven. Ela trata do caso do Tenente Ben Vargas, o único bombeiro de origem hispânica a participar da ação contra a chefia dos bombeiros, mesmo sem saber que era um dos poucos membros de minorias que foi promovido. Um trecho que mostra como as "minorias organizadas" nos EUA operam (vai soar bem familiar para quem acompanha o noticiário do Brasil):

clipped from www.nytimes.com

But Lieutenant Vargas bore more than his share of the criticism, said Lt. Matthew Marcarelli, who was among the plaintiffs and has known Lieutenant Vargas since they were classmates at the fire academy. “Why the other guys viewed him as a turncoat I really don’t understand. He did it because he’s principled and he thought it was the right thing to do. Benny’s nobody’s token.”

Chief Marquez said his old protégé was “an easy target because he didn’t fall in line.”

“It seems that if you’re not the right type of minority, you get hammered,” he said.

The president of the black firefighters’ group in New Haven did not return calls seeking comment.

Gesturing toward his three young sons, Lieutenant Vargas explained why he had no regrets. “I want them to have a fair shake, to get a job on their merits and not because they’re Hispanic or they fill a quota,” he said. “What a lousy way to live.”

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