Foi um prazer ontem passar alguns momentos junto de outros blogueiros não-progressistas, ortodoxos e bastante animados. Finalmente, tive a chance de conversar aqui em Brasília com o Leonardo Monastério. Por motivos diversos, o encontro foi postergado inúmeras vezes. Também o meu agradecimento especial ao Sabino pela grande noite, com direito a forró, canjica, quentão, pamonha e ameaças constantes de pulos sobre a fogueira.
Uma grande noite!
"Hazard - 1. A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans of reputation. (...) 2. If you hazard or if you hazard a guess, you make a suggestion about something which is only a guess and which you might be wrong." - Do Dicionário "Collins Cobuild"
junho 26, 2011
Blogueiros Não-Progressistas em Festa de São João
junho 11, 2011
junho 08, 2011
Mais Chari
Tive acesso hoje aos vídeos do último Seminário de Metas para Inflação e resolvi, ao invés de ficar apenas na frase de V.V. Chari citada no último post, trazer a transcrição (feita por mim) de dois trechos muito legais do que ele falou.
Primeiro, sobre a crise financeira de 2008, uma diferenciação importante sobre risco privado e risco social, e (falta de) soluções fáceis através de política econômica:"Markets did not privately under price the risk, markets correctly priced the risk, because they correctly perceived that the risk was extremely small. The risk may have been large for society overall, but it was not large for each individual, person planning to do the investment. To people who say 'markets just under priced risk, markets are stupid!', I say yes, that's certainly a possibility, markets get the wrong answer lots of different times. But you got to remember: markets consists of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of participants. So, there are these guys who are just stupid, idiots. And then we are going to find ten selected policy-makers. Bingo! These guys are going to be smart, these guys are going to figure out exactly what is going on, these guys are going to understand risk. And they are going choose to do all this by the modest sum – I think the Federal Reserve Board members are paid – 185 dollars when they could go out to the market and using all that incredible smartness to make 185 billion dollars! But, of course, they are public servers, so they will do all those kind of things..."
A diferença entre risco privado e social deve-se, segundo Chari, exatamente por causa da percepção por parte dos bancos, que assumiam empréstimos de risco, que seriam salvos. Ou seja, todos os agentes se comportavam de forma racional, dado o desenho do mercado de crédito nos EUA.
Mais tarde, a lição sobre política monetária:"I always thought that the first attribute of a Central Banker is humility. Inflation targeting is an expression, not of arrogance, but of humility. There are things that Central Banks are good at doing: inflation. And we understand that, and we promise we are not going to look at that. The counterpart of that humility is that Central Bankers can not resolve the problem of AIDS, can not erase poverty in Africa, can not prevent the erosion of the Amazon forest and have only a limited effect on aggregate output. That is the first attribute of rational intelligent Central Bankers."